Neuronal Gamma Oscillations  Simulation

Design Stage 


Hodgkin and Huxley model

We modeled the potential, injected current, and synaptic current between an excitatory and an inhibitory neuron.

Wilson-Cowan model

We modeled the firing rate of the neuronal population (not individual ones). We worked with two populations of neurons: excitatory and inhibitory. Where E is the firing rate of excitatory neurons, and I is the firing rate of inhibitory neurons. The model proposes:



Now that we have the firing rates of the populations, we can ask - what is the probability that one neuron fires? In this model is assumed that one neuron at time k fires with a probability:

where it depends if it is an excitatory or inhibitory neuron the case that we will consider


We simulated a gamma oscillation by connecting an excitatory and an inhibitory cell using the Hodgkin and Huxley model of individual neurons. Check it out here.

Wilson-Cowan Model of a population of a 1000 neurons.
